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Viewing 1-10 of 19 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

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List by location: This button orders the search results by their ZIP codes, from near to far. You may also reverse the order (far to near) by clicking the button twice.

Adult Literacy Center - FTI

Full service literacy center for adults aged 16 and older in need of a high school diploma.

Services: Adult Education

5400 East Highway 100

Palm Coast, FL 32164

(386) 447-4345

Career and Technical Education

The mission of Flagler Technical Institute/Adult & Community Education is to provide programs and services that enable residents of Flagler County to be educationally prepared, economically self-sufficient, physically fit, culturally enriched, and civic-minded.

Services: Community Adult Schools, Vocational Education

5400 East Highway 100

Palm Coast, FL 32164

(386) 447-4345

Child Find-FDLRS

Assists the school district in locating and identifying children, ages 3-5 not attending public school, who are at risk and potentially eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and links them with needed services.

Services: Early Identification Programs

1825 Dunn Avenue

Portable #78

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

(386) 255-6475 x52841

Daytona Beach Computer Learning Center

Provide mature adults education for (and access to) computers and the Internet.

Services: Adult Education

524 South Beach Street, Suite A

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

(386) 254-1688

Duvall Homes Services

Residents live in one of 16 state licensed group homes in West Volusia,transportation is provided on weekdays to and from the adult day training at the main campus on Grand Avenue in Glenwood.

Services: Developmental Disabilities Day Habilitation Programs, Group Residences for Adults With Disabilities, Supportive Housing, Vocational Education, Vocational Rehabilitation, Volunteer Service Programs

3395 Grand Avenue

Glenwood, FL 32722

(888) 445-4722

Easterseals Early Steps North Beaches

Offers early intervention services to infants and toddlers (birth to thirty-six months) with significant delays or a condition that places them at risk of developmental delay.

Services: Developmental Disabilities Activity Centers, Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays, Pediatric Developmental Assessment, Special Education Classes/Centers

1673 Mason Avenue

Suite 100

Daytona Beach, FL 32117

(386) 873-0365

ESOL- English for Speakers of Other Languages

ESOL provides English instruction for adults (age 16 or older and not enrolled in high school) whose first language is not English.

Services: English as a Second Language

5400 East Highway 100

Palm Coast, FL 32164

(386) 447-4345

Family Self-Sufficiency-Flagler

Provides education assistance in GED and CNA.

Services: Adult Education, Case/Care Management

700 East Moody Boulevard

Suite 4

Bunnell, FL 32110

(386) 313-2506 x201

Flagler County Education Foundation

The Flagler County Education Foundation is committed to generating financial support and awareness to enhance educational programs that benefit students, families, and teachers in Flagler Schools.

Services: Educational Institutions/Schools, Educational Programs, Educational Support Services

1769 E Moody Blvd

Bldg #2

Bunnell, FL 32110

(386) 437-7526

Fresh Start Program

Provides job readiness, job placement and academic training assistance, and motivational support for displaced homemakers.

Services: Adult Education, Career Counseling

Daytona State College Women's Center

1200 International Speedway Boulevard

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

(386) 506-3068

Viewing 1-10 of 19 results (listed by best match)
