What is Help Me Grow?
Help Me Grow(HMG) is a system that connects at-risk children with the services they need. All too often, children at risk for developmental and behavioral problems go undetected and Help Me Grow can help link these children and their families to community-based services and support programs.
The Help Me Grow Program Offers Families:
- Free developmental screening, without waitlists or income limits
- Activities that support healthy growth and learningThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Community resources, from parenting classes to food pantries
- Referrals for evaluation and early intervention services
Interested in completing a developmental screening for your child? Click on the link below.
Developmental Screening Social/Emotional Screening
(for ages birth - 5 years old) (for ages birth - 5 years old)
Evaluacion del Desarrollo Evaluacion del Desarrollo
ASQ-3 Social/Emotional ASQ-SE
Complete a Milestone Checklist
Confidential Services
Referrals and outcomes of services are initially only shared directly with the client. With your consent, referrals and outcomes may be shared with agencies to which referrals are made.
Complete the Pediatric Symptoms Checklist at Home!
If you are the parent/guardian of a child who is between the ages of 5 1/2 and 8 years old you can click on the link below to open a pdf document of the Pediatric Symptoms Checklist (the PSC) to complete at home. Once you have completed the checklist, simply call 2-1-1 and ask for Help Me Grow. Our Help Me Grow care coordinators will review your responses over the phone, calculate your results and provide resources and direction based on those results. If you have any concern with regards to your child’s behavior/health we strongly recommend to screen, however, even if you currently do not have a specific concern, screening is recommended for all children to ensure that they are developing happy and healthy!
The PSC was created by physicians on staff at Massachusetts General Hospital. The PSC is a one-page questionnaire listing a broad range of children's emotional and behavioral problems that reflects parents' impressions of their child's psychosocial functioning.
For more information please contact:
Early Learning Coalition of Flagler & Volusia
125 Executive Circle
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
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